About Me

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Malang, East Java, Indonesia
love listening to music every morning, reading some books,articles (when having enough time) and watching movies.Enjoy writing short stories, novels, with a cup of cappucino and chocolate. Love the beach very much.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Room 10

While prepared the drug for my patient in the second night duty, last night, I saw the patient in isolation room 10. She is 50 years old just finished from under  surgery for Open Reduction External Fixation in her right leg in the afternoon. I didn’t know the story was. Why she administered by her family to this Hospital.

But something I know for sure is, she laying in a bed, with restrain jacket!!. Hey…this is the surgical ward, not mental department. And the terrible thing, the part of her family wasn’t  company her.  

I was keep watched the  room number 10. I was wait so long to meet her family, unfortunately the member of all family didin’t comes in the entire night. Here a lot of question in my mind which needs  answer.

I just knew the story from my friends. She got an accident and suffer from broken leg bone. But she also had a mental health illness history. She got Mental Retardation. Oh God, come on…..I just can’t treat her like this.

The problem comes when I would administered foley chateter . she did not cooperate, that’s why we need her family to help. But once more, the family did not show up. Don’t want to wait more longer, I took a chair and stand on her bed to defense her left tight, while my patner tried hard inserting chateter. She was spoke a loud, I know she felt unconfort with this.
“Ok…this just for a second, take a deep breath when you feel pain ok??, this will help you to urinate.”, I saw her tried to confine her with this situation.
“Are you hungry…….?”
“Ok, let having dinner, here is your diet…”,

Of course she can not eat by herself, she wear restrain jacket. But there was no family around her. I know, maybe they feel disamppointed with her, or they were being shy. The family members should be good supporter when the other member of family get sick, that’s the unwritten rules.
But see what happened in this family, they didn’t come with. Someone who suffer from any kind of disease always need a support. Family support is the best cure.

So I take look back. I’m so lucky, having the family who really support me. Whatever my condition, whatever I’m to be.
I just remember when I got Thypoid and have hospitalizes for a week, there was always my mom beside me. In spite of when I administered by my friends to Budi Asih Hospital because of Dengue Haemorragic Fever, my Mom and my Dad had  been to Jakarta just for saw me, and touch my head with love.

Love Ibuk and Bapak

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